July 7, 2013 /connektivism/ Google Doodle celebrates the life of Franz Kafka who was born 130 years ago on this day and was considered one of the most influential authors of the 20th century.
The Google Doodle reflects one of Kafka’s best known works, namely “The Metamorphosis.” The company chose to include vermin instead of regular letters, while the character that steps through the door resembles the novel’s main character.
Kafka is known for the uniqueness of his works and the Google Doodle clearly illustrates this aspect of the writer. Kafka's other famous works include the novels "The Trial," "The Castle" as well as short stories "In the Penal Colony" and "A Hunger Artist".
Kafka, who was born in Prague in 1883, died in 1924 near Vienna at just 40 years of age.